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Locking an experience in an employee profile
Locking an experience in an employee profile

Keep coherent explanations from previous jobs inside the company

Written by Christine de Thibault
Updated over 10 months ago

Public : Administator

Access : Activation during the project phasis

Context :

Experiences within the same company can be shared by several people, depending on career choices and internal mobility.

For a better understanding and readiness of profile experiences, it is possible to block the modification of experiences for all users.

Description :

- Each administrator decides which parameters to block. They then pass on the information to their Neobrain point of contact.

- The parameters required to be modified are then deployed onto the platform.

Locking an experience

Additional information :

A 'Settings' icon is displayed in front of each experience into users profile webpage;

it indicates to any user of the platform that it is impossible to modify/remove an experience.

Imports are carried out every 24 hours directly through Neobrain's data integration tool.

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